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Nicki Reisberg

Kids Before Technology (with Julie Scelfo)

Updated: Aug 20, 2024

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Show Notes

Today, I'm grateful to welcome Julie Scelfo, the Founder and Executive Director of Mothers Against Media Addiction (MAMA).

Parents will definitely relate to our candid conversation about the state of today's media-addicted world and walk away with motivation and a tech plan-of-action to better protect our kids online.

MAMA is a grassroots movement of parents fighting back against media addiction and creating a world in which real-life experiences and interactions remain at the heart of a healthy childhood.

About Julie Scelfo: 

Julie is an award-winning journalist, a former New York Times staff writer, a media ecologist, and a parent. Scelfo was moved to start MAMA after reporting on the youth mental health crisis and seeing suicidality affect children at ever-younger ages, and recognizing how a multitude of factors—including screen addiction and absent regulations—has created an unhealthy, unsafe media environment. Scelfo’s stories on mental health have been leading the national conversation for decades, from her coverage of suicidality and social media on college campuses, to increasing suicidality among tweens. In addition to her MAMA advocacy, Scelfo is the author of The Women Who Made New York, (Seal Press/Hachette), an inclusive collection of biographies revealing how it was women—and not just men—who built one of the world’s greatest cities. She is a frequent public speaker who has made numerous appearances on television, radio and podcasts, and invites you to join her coalition at

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