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  • Nicki Reisberg

Protecting Our Kids Online (with Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers)

Updated: Aug 20

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Show Notes

Just two moms talking about kid's online safety...except one mom is also a Congresswoman and Chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers is the first female Chair of one of the most powerful committees in the House of Representatives. This committee is dedicated to providing parents with safeguards to get our children protected online.

This is an all-out war against Big Tech and our childrens' lives are at stake. Use your voice and let's get our kids protected online.

Parents: Our voices are what's going to make a difference in this fight for online privacy and childrens' safety. Contact your representative (both the House and the Senate) and tell them to support:

  • American Privacy Rights Act (APRA)

  • Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA)

  • Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA 2.0)

  • Section 230 Sunset Act

As a reminder, you have 2 Senators and a member of the House of Representatives of your district.

  • Contact your Representative in the House: Visit and enter ZIP code at the top right to find your representative

  • Contact your Senators: Visit and use the state drop down at the top of your screen


Cathy McMorris Rodgers is the Chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and represents Washington’s Fifth Congressional District. She was appointed to the House Energy and Commerce Committee in 2010. In addition to her policy leadership on the Committee, Cathy also served in House Republican Leadership for 10 years as Vice Chair and Chair of the House Republican Conference. More about Chair Rodgers here.


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